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Lostandfoundry is a typeface workshop for designers. Born of my love of type, and as a designer, my professional frustration at not being able to find fonts that had the right character

and tone I wanted for some of my projects.


I was an art director for over 20 years and it was during the creation of a print ad many years ago for one of my agency's clients, Mandarin Oriental, that my frustration boiled over. 

So I decided if I couldn't find the fonts I needed, I'd create them myself rather than compromise.

Fast forward to today, and with all the thousands of paid and free fonts out there designers should be spoilt for choice right? Well, not really. Yes there are countless

fonts available, but most are derivative, with very few that are unique or special.

And there is still a distinct lack of what I call 'crossover fonts' - typefaces that look and feel modern, clean and sans serif, but with subtle, 'serif-like' touches. 

This is what I was really looking for and what I felt was still missing.

That's why I created this new fonts collection. A collection of many new 'crossover fonts', as well as, (because I couldn't help myself), some beautiful, classical ones also.

I sincerely hope you like them and consider adding them to your font library.

David Szabo, Type Designer, LostandFoundry

If you have a question about a purchase or any of my fonts, please drop me a line.

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